Harbor Lights HOA
Emergency Preparedness

What is a disaster?
Disasters, by definition, are events that overwhelm police, fire, and medical 9-1-1 emergency responders.

Map Your Neighborhood

MYN Class Sign-Up

"MYN" Map Your Neighborhood for Disasters

FREE Emergency Preparedness Training Class

Why MYN?

MYN helps us organize a timely response to disaster when 9-1-1 is unavailable. All of us, working together, can reduce the serious consequences of disaster in our neighborhood.

We discussed a 9-step Response Plan the immediately helps us know what to do – both at home and in the neighborhood – to respond to injuries, leaking natural gas, and people who may be alone and frightened. The process is proven, easy, and fun.

We identified the skills and equipment each neighbor has that are useful in an effective and timely disaster response.

We will map our neighborhood natural gas meters locations so we can quickly respond to leaking gas and reduce the threat of fire.

We'll learn how and when to turn off our natural gas

Harbor Lights Estates

MYN Walkthrough

We will all go home with a neighborhood map, contact list, and skills & equipment inventory.

Download the MYN Discussion Guide to see what will be covered in the class

If you are interested in attending this FREE training, please fill out the interest form below. We'll be announcing the date of another class soon!

Map Your Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness Class — Coming in Fall, 2018!

Harbor Lights Estates Homeowners Association, updated September 9, 2023.